function v5_UUID($name_space, $string) {
$n_hex = str_replace(array('-','{','}'), '', $name_space); // Getting hexadecimal components of namespace
$binray_str = ''; // Binary value string
//Namespace UUID to bits conversion
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($n_hex); $i+=2) {
$binray_str .= chr(hexdec($n_hex[$i].$n_hex[$i+1]));
//hash value
$hashing = sha1($binray_str . $string);
return sprintf('%08s-%04s-%04x-%04x-%12s',
// 32 bits for the time_low
substr($hashing, 0, 8),
// 16 bits for the time_mid
substr($hashing, 8, 4),
// 16 bits for the time_hi,
(hexdec(substr($hashing, 12, 4)) & 0x0fff) | 0x5000,
// 8 bits and 16 bits for the clk_seq_hi_res,
// 8 bits for the clk_seq_low,
(hexdec(substr($hashing, 16, 4)) & 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for the node
substr($hashing, 20, 12)
// $v5_uuid = v5_UUID('8fc990b07418d5826d98de952cfb268dee4a23a3', 'delftstack!');
// echo $v5_uuid;
//$v5_uuid = v5_UUID('24316ec81e3bea40286b986249a41e29924d35bf', 'this is delftstack!');
$v5_uuid = v5_UUID(time(), 'this is delftstack!');
// echo "<br>";
echo $v5_uuid;